Getting started with our online booking system.
This section provides images and steps to follow in order to sign up online with Pilates on the Green and get booked in.
Step 0: Visit our website at
(This link will open in another window to allow you to continue reading these instructions)
Step 1
Select the ‘Member Login’, labelled in the image on the left by a turquoise arrow.
Step 2
Click on, ‘Need new password?’, (labelled with turquoise arrows.)
Step 3
On this screen, enter the email address we use to contact you normally (this is your user name).
Step 4
You will receive an email similar to the one on the left. Click, ‘Create new password’ and you will be directed to the MindBody website.
Step 5
Make-up and enter a password, click save.
Step 6
You are now on your profile page.
As indicated by the purple arrows, you can either edit your details, or select ‘classes’ to see group classes or ‘appointments’ for private classes.
Step 7
Now on the scheduling screen, you can click the small calendar on the right to select the day, and scroll to peruse times. To book, click ‘sign up now’ on the class you want.
Step 8
Select whether you would like a 4 week period booked, a one off class or a much longer period booked as indicated by the purple arrows.
Step 9
If you are interested in an automated monthly plan, click ‘Contracts’.
If not, please select either a single class or 1, 2 or 3 classes a week (to be used over a 28 day period) as a one-off purchase. You will then be directed to the checkout. Prices can also be viewed at:
Step 9b
If you select contracts, you are directed to a selection of plans as shown. These safeguard losing your space due to their automated nature, and you can cancel at any time.
Select an option you like, and you will be directed to the checkout. Prices can also be viewed at
Step 10
Please double-check your order, then select either ‘continue shopping’ to amend the order, or ‘check out’ to complete your purchase.
Final Step
You have reached the checkout! Please enter your card details and place your order. These details will be encrypted so they cannot be used by anyone else.
You will receive a receipt and confirmation of your booking.
As always, for any issues, please email us at or call on +44 7504513434.
We really hope you find this to be an easier method for booking, changing classes and payment with us.
Thank you for reading!